FCC cites popular ride share company for TCPA violations

In a somewhat unusual case the FCC has cited Lyft Inc. for failing to allow consumers to use Lyft’s services without opting in to receive autodialed texts and calls. While Lyft’s terms of services state that customers have the ability to unsubscribe or opt out from receiving text messages, Lyft does not actually provide any unsubscribe options… Continue reading FCC cites popular ride share company for TCPA violations

Don’t forget about the TSR! FTC attorney reminds businesses about TSR Robocall compliance

In a recent post to the FTC’s Business Blog, FTC attorney Bikram Bandy answered some basic questions about complying with the robocall provisions of the Telemarketing Sales Rules (“TSR”). Similar to the FCC’s rules issued pursuant to the TCPA, the FTC prohibits certain robocalls. According to Bandy:   “If you’re trying to sell something, you… Continue reading Don’t forget about the TSR! FTC attorney reminds businesses about TSR Robocall compliance

New FTC settlement reaffirms the fact that merely incorporating political surveys is not enough

The FTC announced today that it, along with 10 state attorneys general, have settled most of the charges in a lawsuit they previously brought against Caribbean Cruise Line, Inc. and several affiliates for illegally selling cruise vacations using a political survey robocalls component. Apparently, the defendants thought they could get away with combining  their sales pitches with a political survey (which… Continue reading New FTC settlement reaffirms the fact that merely incorporating political surveys is not enough

FCC Goes After the Little Guys Too!

We are used to seeing the FCC and the FTC go after the big fish–larger companies who have generated numerous complaints and usually thousands of  alleged violations. However, on occasion, we do see the FCC or FTC take enforcement action against much smaller companies or when far fewer violations are involved.  The FCC’s January  Forfeiture… Continue reading FCC Goes After the Little Guys Too!

FTC to Tap Hackers to Ring in Robocall Do Not Call Bandits

The Federal Trade Commission is looking to expand the technological arsenal that can be used in the battle against illegal phone spammers and do not call (DNC) violations by challenging DEF CON 22 attendees to build the ultimate “honeypot” to lure in and identify perpetrators of illegal robocalls. A robocall honeypot is an information system… Continue reading FTC to Tap Hackers to Ring in Robocall Do Not Call Bandits