State of Emergency Declared in Louisiana

Louisiana has restricted telemarketing (including text marketing) in response to Tropical Storm Gordon. The state of emergency is effective today, September 3, 2018 until October 3, 2018 unless terminated sooner.  We will keep you updated when the restriction is lifted.

Relevant exemptions are listed in La. R.S. 45:844.31. For more information on the status of the calling prohibition, please visit

July 2018 Do Not Call Restrictions

Calls to these States on restricted dates could result in a potential State violation: July 4th: Independence Day  Alabama Louisiana  Mississippi  Rhode Island  Utah  July 24th: Pioneer Day Utah  July 1st: Canada Day  National  July 2nd: Canada Day (observed)  National  July 9th: Nunavut Day  Nunavut July 9th: Orangeman’s Day  Newfoundland and Labrador 

June 2018 Holiday Call Restrictions

Calls to these states on restricted dates could result in a State violation:

  • June 3rd: Confederate Memorial Day
  • June 4th: Jefferson Davis’ Birthday
  • June 21st: National Aboriginal Day
  • June 24th: Quebec’s National Day
  • June 25th: Discovery Day

May 2018 Holiday Call Restrictions

Calls to these states on restricted dates could result in a State violation.

  • May 4th: Rhode Island Independence Day
  • May 21st: Victoria Day (National Patriots’ Day in Quebec)
  • May 28th: Memorial Day
  • National Memorial Day/Jefferson Davis’ Birthday