Pioneer Day Observance – Utah

Pioneer Day is a holiday celebrated in the state of Utah. While the official holiday is July 24th, this year, it will be observed on Monday, July 25th. Call restrictions will be in place on Monday July 25th. Keeping up with state holidays can be a challenge sometimes!

4th of July and other State Holidays for July

With the 4th of July Holiday fast approaching, it is important to note there are several state restrictions in place for outbound calls during the holiday period. These include: Friday, July 3: Alabama, Louisiana, Utah* Saturday, July 4: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Utah* Monday, July 6: Rhode Island* *Independence Day Observed Other state holidays… Continue reading 4th of July and other State Holidays for July

February State Holiday Calling Alerts

Don’t overlook state regulations during this month including Presidents’ Day on February 16th. There are also restrictions for Marti Gras (strange but true).  Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and Utah all prohibit outbound calls on Presidents’ Day, February 16th.  Louisiana and Alabama (only in Baldwin and Mobile Counties) have a special restriction for Tuesday, February… Continue reading February State Holiday Calling Alerts